This was MOFSIM2019


Main topics

  • Catalysis and adsorption in MOFs

  • Electronic properties and derived functions of MOFs

  • Mechanical, thermal, and chemical stability of MOFs

  • Frontiers of MOF simulations towards longer length and time scales

Renowned speakers

The plenary discussions for the four topics will be moderated by

  • dr. Caroline Mellot-Draznieks, Collège de France (France)

  • prof. dr. Lev Sarkisov, University of Edinburgh (UK)

  • prof. dr. Veronique Van Speybroeck, Ghent University (Belgium)

  • prof. dr. Guillaume Maurin, Université de Montpellier (France)

  • prof. dr. Bartolomeo Civalleri, Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy)

Invited speakers include:

Session 1: Catalysis and adsorption in MOFs


Session 2: Electronic properties and derived functions of MOFs


Session 3: Mechanical, thermal, and chemical stability of MOFs


Session 4: Frontiers of MOF simulations towards longer length and time scales

Programme MOFSIM2019